Thursday, July 10, 2008

Meet Mr. Smith for Your Butt, Thighs, Hamstrings & Calves.

The machines in your gym can be intimidating; however, they can be great assets to your workout if you get to know them up close and personal :)

Have you ever wanted those rock-hard butt/glutes that Hollywood actors/actresses have? Here is the first step to acquiring the solid Lower Body - introducing the "SMITH Machine."

The Smith Machine looks like a huge barbell trapped in a machine, as in the photo - almost all gyms should have one. If you don't go to a gym, use dumbells or barbell at home.

Well, as you guessed, Mr. Smith invented it and called it after his name.

I like this Smith Machine particularly because (1) it helps maintain the correct form; (2) it is safer to use compared to squating with a free barbell because of the locking hook; (3) it creates less straint on the body than a free barbell; &
(4) Most of all, it trains your butt, quads, calves, and hamstrings.

Please note that you can move on to the Free Weight Squating (w/ a barbell) AFTER getting comfortable doing squats on the Smith Machine and then, it will increase the intensity; however, until then, let's learn how to use the "Smith Machine."

A. Squats
(1) Correct Form
If you use the Smith machine, try to keep your back straight. If you use a barbell or dumbells, slightly leaning forward is OK. Keep your feet shoulder wide.

(2) Reps
Do 5 sets, 7 reps each set. Take a few minutes of break after each set.
Increase gradually up to 10 sets.

B. Lunges
(1) Correct Form
Keep your back straight at all times. The front knee should not pass the toes (= should stay behind the toes), otherwise it creates too much straint on the knee. The back knee should almost touch the floor, an inch above. Remember: both front and back knees should form 90 degrees.

(2) Reps
Do 5 sets, 7 reps each set. Take a few minutes of breat after each set.
Increase gradually up to 10 sets.

On the first week, take it easy using very light weights, otherwise your legs will be sore.

Good luck and enjoy !

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