Friday, July 24, 2009
Have You Checked Your Body Fat?
For the longest time I used a regular spring scale to check out my weight. While those things aren't so accurate, they gave me an idea of how much I was gaining or losing. It didn't really matter if it was a few pounds off...I was more concerned about those post-holiday bulk-up periods - and I'm not talking about packing on the muscle either.
Not too long ago I decided to go on a natural detox diet program and I wanted to get a better picture of how it worked. So I decided to write things down on a journal. What I found was that my weight was changing every day. I soon realized that I needed a better scale to help me monitor my progress.
Your overall weight doesn't show the whole picture. I ended up getting a Conair Weight Watchers Scale. I could keep track of my BMI (Body Mass Index), my body water percentage, and my body fat percentage.
Your weight can fluctuate and it doesn't really mean too much if you're just gaining and losing water weight. If you're really interested in losing weight, it's a good idea to keep track of your body fat percentage. You'll get a better idea of how effective your diet or exercise program actually is.